About University

of Warsaw

is the largest educational institution in Poland, consisting of 21 faculties, over 53,000 students and approximately 3,600 lecturers. In the Shanghai ranking, it ranks in the top 3% of universities around the world, and among its alumni are as many as six Nobel laureates.

A special contribution to the undisputed success of the University of Warsaw is made by the Faculty of Physics, the Faculty of Chemistry and the Center of New Technologies, the Center for Biological and Chemical Sciences, where are conducted at the highest level, often in cooperation with leading research groups from around the world.

UW is also a member of the 4EU + Alliance, which brings together the best universities in Europe.

Studies offer

One of the most dynamically developed directions
research at the University of Warsaw
there is optics..

This basic and very broad field of physics includes, among others, atomic optics, biomedical optics, nanophotonics, quantum optics, nonlinear optics, computational imaging, plasmonics and spectroscopy.

Classes and research on all these and many other applications of optics are available to students from the first years of their studies. such early involvement of students in scientific work, graduates of the University of Warsaw can boast of scientific achievements and work experience already after the first degree in state-of-the-art laboratories and the ability to independently operate advanced technologies.

Find out more

What is
optics and photonics ?

Studies Offer

with us!

What we do ?

Research groups

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